Providing quality training and education to
breast imaging professionals.
According to the FDA, poor positioning has been found to be the cause of most clinical image deficiencies and most failures of ACR accreditation. If your facility has recently been notified that your mammography technologists or breast imaging radiologists are required or recommended to have hands-on positioning training, you’ve come to the right place.
Working directly with your team, I provide hands-on mammography positioning training using The Miller Method™, ensuring your team produces the highest quality images possible. In addition to standardized mammography positioning training, I'll assist breast imaging teams with their upcoming ACR Accreditation or Reaccreditation, Image Review Analysis or Mammography Unit Applications Training, as well as other mammography education essentials.

Hey There!
I'm Sarah. I'm a mammography consultant and educator that's passionate about showing breast imaging teams how to improve their mammography positioning, resulting in the highest quality mammogram achievable.

Ensure your breast imaging team of mammography technologists and breast radiologists have the tools and resources to be successful
In The News
Experienced and Knowledgeable
With years of experience working in the breast imaging field, Sarah knows the challenges that technologists and Breast Imaging Departments face on a day-to-day basis. Her experience includes speaking, teaching, and working in academic medicine, hospital settings and private practices. Sarah is an MQSA Qualified Mammography Positioning Trainer and Educator.