Business conference mixed with personal growth...why not?!

Business conference mixed with personal growth...why not!

So many people have asked about my trip last week to the RISE Business conference in Charleston. To say that my time there was amazing would be an understatement. ‘AMAZING' isn’t a word that does it justice. Not only was the speaker lineup incredible, but the environment {likeminded people just doing their thing, without the perception of what other people thought of them}, mixed with fire and motivation is something that everyone should experience.

Yes, the business aspect of this conference was engaging and extremely helpful, but the personal growth side was absolutely what I needed at the time! I had no idea how life-changing or how valuable it would be. No matter how crazy my goals are...they can’t be reached without a plan in place or a solid understanding of where I’ve been.

I had the privilege of meeting some women and a few men that want nothing more than to make an impact and serve others. Surrounded by people with huge audacious dreams, and a positive attitude that’s completely contagious is exactly where I needed to be last week.

I can honestly say that the friendships that were made there were the VERY BEST part of attending this conference, though. Katie  Caples (Her Best Week Yet) and Amie Folkman (@amiefolkman) y’all lit my soul on fire and I’m blessed to have met you! I cannot wait to see what you’ve accomplished by this time best year!

Seriously, if you ever get the opportunity to go to a conference like this, GO! Take the opportunity, jump on that plane and soak it all in. You’ll be a better person because of it. The world needs more people to make an impact. To be better more engaging leaders. To serve others and bring the fire. And most importantly, the world needs YOU to be the kind person you were meant to be and inspire others to do the same.


A simple thank you.